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34 of the Best Senators in the Past 25 Years – Part 5

For several weeks, The Missouri Times has asked readers and friends who they thought should be featured in the best senate of the past 25 years – a fantasy team, if you will. Over 60 senators were submitted. After visiting with longtime observers of the chamber we came up with our list of 34 of its finest lawmakers in the last 25 years. It’s an eclectic list featuring men and women from the pre- and post term limit eras, and a combination of 34 Senators that no Speaker or Governor would envy having to battle.

Current senators were not eligible for the list. And because we couldn’t begin to put these folks in any numerical order, we will be releasing the list alphabetically over the next five days. The official senate portraits are included.


Matt Bartle

Bartle held the record for the longest filibuster in Senate history and had a knack for single-handedly bringing issues no one else cared about to the forefront. He was a big brain in the body who filled a void as a conservative attorney who knew the law.




Joan Bray

John Lamping’s predecessor, Bray was once a teacher, then journalist who took her passion for unions, transportation, and St. Louis to the Capitol. She cosponsored the Historic Preservation tax credit and served in the Capitol a combined 18 years before terming out in 2010.





Jack Goodman
Known to be one of the most sincere public servants to serve in the body and was known to have sought fairness. His reputation for fairness brought him near universal respect and when he stood up the entire body noticed. He was very active in judiciary issues and is still very well thought of in the body today.





Peter Kinder

The first Republican Pro Tem and a guy who got 3 PQs moved through the senate, which is unheard of, and he did it with a slim 18-seat majority, when there were still a lot of the old senate bulls around. Some remember the combative partisan and many others remember the gracious gentleman when not in the heat of battle. Kinder likely doesn’t receive the respect in his party for being at the tip of the spear in the Republican takeover of the senate.



Rob Mayer

Sometimes known only for his time as Pro Tem, but he had one of the strongest senate careers leading up to that, especially as budget chairman. No Pro Tem had to deal with as many big personalities with their careers coming to and end at one time as Mayer. He was also known as a very warm and personable senator. Some forget why he became Pro Tem was that he was very well liked and people knew where his heart was.




Luann Ridgeway
She was a senator who was a conservative and was able to be effective and respected. She was someone who served in a swing district who was willing to stand up on the floor against issues she opposed.





Bill Stouffer

He was a senate star. He was a reasonable senator who listened to every debate and never wavered on his principles but was a senator you could deal with. When he spoke, which was rarely, people listened.