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Release: Missouri Farm Bureau touts Amendment 1

Constitutional Amendment #1 on the November 8 ballot would renew for another 10 years the current 1/10-cent sales tax earmarked for Missouri state parks system and soil and water conservation efforts.

Since the beginning of the sales tax in 1984, a group of supporting organizations called the Citizens Committee for Soil, Water and State Parks have worked together to support the program.

To give an idea of the Citizens Committee’s diversity, some of the leading organizations include the Missouri Farm Bureau, The Conservation Federation of Missouri, The Nature Conservancy, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Association, Missouri Parks Association, Missouri Corn Growers, Missouri Soybean Association, Sierra Club, Coalition for the Environment, Missouri Agribusiness Association, Missouri Land Improvement Contractors Association, Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, Stream Team Watershed Coalition and the list goes on.

Our website is If you need more information about Amendment #1 or would like to interview supporting organizations, farmers, environmentalists, etc., please contact us at 573-893-1468.