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Burdensome regulations holding Missouri back

by Rep. Tim Remole, R-Excello

I believe the U.S. Constitution was divinely written. You only have to read the recorded prayers of our forefathers who wrote it to believe that. I have hanging in my office the first prayer of the Continental Congress dated September 7, 1774.


We have an obligation to the people of our state to stand for the Constitution of the United States, and to the Missouri Constitution. For us NOT to stand up for the U.S. Constitution, or the Missouri Constitution, would be breaking our oath of office. We have sworn to uphold this. As Representatives, and Senators, we have the right, the power, and the blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as all citizens of our country. We have the right, the power, the authority, the obligation, and the duty to see that the blessings of freedom are maintained. Only through constant vigilance can we secure the blessings of freedom for ourselves, our families, and all citizens, we have sworn to represent.

Just as we have been told all of our lives, we the people, are the power behind this nation. Our problem is we lack a decent understanding that the Constitution is a law, written by the people, to control the actions of their government. But we do NOT have a solid knowledge of the law of the Constitution. The Constitution is law! It is the law that we the sovereign people laid down for our public servants to follow.

While serving on The Southern States Energy Board, we have been in numerous discussions about overbearing regulations that have this country tied up in knots. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the picture they showed, was our country with ropes all wrapped around it and all tied up. As I looked at it, I had to agree we are regulated so much it is holding our country from prospering. I can give you numerous examples that are happening due to regulations. In one of the meetings, a Senator from Kentucky was talking and warned everyone what the Clean Air Act and the waters of the US regulations put out by the EPA was going to do to us. He stated we will see the free market hindered as never before and many projects for new businesses will be hindered due to permitting. Not only will it be more difficult to get a permit but it will be expensive. We are seeing this not only in Kentucky but across the country and Missouri is not exempted.

Regulations are putting burdens on all Americans. We are seeing businesses hiring full time people just to comply with regulations and these costs are past on to us. While the government boasts of what they are doing to handle problems they are actually making it more difficult on everybody. The free market will take care of itself when allowed operate as our forefathers meant for it to. I believe if this country was allowed to operate freely even with reasonable regulations, we would see an unbelievable economy that would put people to work all over this country!

By letting our individual liberty, freedom, and sovereignty be subverted, we have allowed ourselves to be bound by unnecessary bureaucracy and regulations. We no longer have the right to pursue our happiness freely and without government regulations and restrictions. Bureaucrats want to control almost every facet of our lives. We have to be vigilant in protecting our state, so we truly can be standing for freedom!