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Opinion: Eddy Justice campaign publishes Democrat debate BINGO

Like many of my fellow citizens in Southeast Missouri, I am proud to be an American. As a Conservative, I believe what makes America great is the fact that a person can be a master of their own lives, that government be kept small, and people have the ability to live freely and responsibly. We want to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the rights of citizens therein.

That love for our Republic and what it represents is exactly why Missourians came out in droves to support Donald Trump and other Conservatives in the 2016 election. This might come as a shock to some Democrats, but given the choice between the liberal and conservative agenda for America, most Missourians found that Donald Trump and the Republican party better aligned with their values.

After their humiliating defeats in 2016, you would think the liberal elites would realize just how out of touch they really are, and that Americans don’t want to see far-left policies. But watching these 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates, it looks like they haven’t learned a single thing.

The Democratic Presidential debates reveal just how far left the party has gone. I couldn’t think of a single thing they didn’t promise to make free. They promised to abolish people’s insurance plans, throw open the border, give free healthcare to illegals, make blue-collar workers and laborers pay for entitled kids to go to college for free. Meanwhile, they boasted about how far they would go to subvert the Constitution, to seize law-abiding citizens’ firearms, and to guarentee unlimited abortion.

In the midst of their frantic giveaways and trying to outdo one another, they continued to demonize a democratically-elected President and to attack those who support him. Even worse, many of them took to the stage and proclaimed that America was a land of oppression, hate, and intolerance. I say if these Democratic candidates want to see oppression and hate, they should just look in a mirror.

If any Missourian needs a reason as to why we need strong Conservative voices in our state and federal government, they need only tune into the next round of debates. While Democrats are running to send government spending and taxes skyhigh, Republicans are out fighting to keep America great.

Now, I’ll still be watching the debates, but I decided to try and have some fun along the way. We published on our Facebook Page at Eddy Justice for Missouri a BINGO card for the debates. It’s a way to try and keep up with the insanity and to see just how predictable (and ridiculous) the Democratic talking points have become. Share it with your friends and family. I bet we will fill the card completely before the debates are over.

Regardless of what leftist and socialist politicians say, America is the greatest country on Earth, and I intend to try and keep it that way as a member of the Missouri Senate. Democrats continue to show just why middle America is fleeing the party, and just why now, more than ever, we need principled Conservatives in government.