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Catanese: Perry targets O’Malley

Rick Perry’s Texas road show continues, but this time he’s targeting Maryland, which is governed by another potential 2016 candidate.

Gov. Perry speaks to the crowd gathered at the Grow Missouri rally in Chesterfield two weeks ago. (Photo by Brittany Ruess)
Gov. Perry speaks to the crowd gathered at the Grow Missouri rally in Chesterfield two weeks ago. (Photo by Brittany Ruess)

As he has in Illinois, New York and Missouri, Perry is dropping an ad that touts the Lonestar State’s economic growth and knocks the policies of Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley.

“Unfortunately, your governor has made Maryland the tax-and-fee state, where businesses and families are paying some of the highest taxes in America,” says Perry.

O’Malley and his office responded mildly:

“Instead of engaging in P.R. stunts, Governor Perry should come to Maryland to see firsthand the better choices that have led to these better results,” said the statement from the governor’s office.

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This post originally appeared in Catanese’s site yesterday, Sept. 11. Catanese’s content is now being syndicated with The Missouri Times.