"It's what the people want!" Paula Prentice, a volunteer with Legal Missouri 2022 and a board member for NORML KC, a non-profit cannabis reform group, said. "People were happy, happy to sign, happy to get medical options."
Posts published in “Drugs”
"This budget session, however, you can take pride in the fact that your Missouri Legislature. Both Republicans and Democrats came together on something necessary and good and impactful."
Lyndall Fraker, who oversees Missouri's medical marijuana program, said nearly 7,000 people work in the field in the state.
More than half of the sewershed samples collected last week contained mutations associated with the new variant, according to DHSS.
"We are concerned that implementation of these federal vaccine mandates will cause Missouri’s long-term care facilities to lose their status as federal contractors with the VA and jeopardize the well-being of our veterans."
"The federal government does not have the right under the Constitution to do any sort of mandates on the state levels to state citizens."
Missouri’s medical marijuana program is in full bloom, with advocates expecting more than $200 million in sales by the end of 2021.
Attorney General Eric Schmitt is urging communities to sign on a settlement with opioid manufacturers with millions of dollars on the line.