Hiking taxes unnecessarily harms consumers...
Posts published in “Technology”
This week, Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist sent a letter to the Utilities Committee, Missouri House of Representatives, in support of H.B. 2057...
The Republican candidates are Rep. Rusty Black of Chillicothe, Rep. J. Eggleston of Maysville and former Rep. Delus Johnson of Savannah, who served eight years in the House from 2010-2018.
"We live in a connected world where broadband is no longer a luxury, but rather a necessity, much like electricity."
"The mission for Bollinger County and many other Missouri communities is clear: Deliver broadband access to unserved homes and businesses and do it quickly."
"I wish to make clear that this office maintains a zero-tolerance policy for the unauthorized taking and using of the personal information of any person."
In response, Congressman Billy Long accused YouTube of being "un-American" and working to "censor and cancel" conservatives.
"I’m honored to lead the state’s efforts in expanding access to broadband, which is a truly life-changing prospect for communities all across our state."
"There is no downside to using some of the surplus funds to update our state government’s technological infrastructure."
Rep. Louis Riggs said his experience chairing the seven-member Special Committee on Broadband Development was an “eye-opener.”