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Posts published by “Fahad Nazer”

Fahad Nazer is the official spokesperson for the Embassy of Saudi Arabia to the United States, appointed to the role in 2019. He is additionally a former non-resident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute and served as an International Fellow at the National Council on U.S. Arab Relations.

Opinion: As flood risks heighten in Missouri, Congress has the opportunity to strengthen our resiliency efforts and save taxpayer money

The increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, like the floods we’ve been experiencing recently in the St. Louis area, has cost upwards of $100 billion per year in the last decade.

Opinion: Hidden ‘swipe’ fees are much higher than credit card companies want you to know

At an average of just over 2 percent of the purchase price, the credit card industry claims the “swipe” fees charged to merchants to process transactions are small. But that 2 cents on every dollar adds up quickly – swipe fees cost merchants nearly $138 billion last year.