"It's what the people want!" Paula Prentice, a volunteer with Legal Missouri 2022 and a board member for NORML KC, a non-profit cannabis reform group, said. "People were happy, happy to sign, happy to get medical options."
Posts published in “Marijuana”
Missouri medical cannabis sales broke a monthly mark in March, topping $30 million for the first time as average sales approach $1 million per day.
Lyndall Fraker, who oversees Missouri's medical marijuana program, said nearly 7,000 people work in the field in the state.
"From patient care to economic impact to job creation, the Show-Me State’s burgeoning program is delivering for patients and on the promise of a new industry."
Fourteen months after the first sale to a qualified patient in a Missouri medical marijuana dispensary, the total sales reached the $200 million mark.
Missouri’s medical marijuana program is in full bloom, with advocates expecting more than $200 million in sales by the end of 2021.
"2020 only existed for COVID response. COVID news didn’t rest so I didn’t either."
A campaign to legalize cannabis use in Missouri is emphasizing the use of new revenue to expunge cannabis-related criminal records.
More than 56,000 patients obtained medical marijuana licenses in Missouri last year, according to new information from DHSS.
For the first time in Missouri, medical cannabis sales topped $20 million in July.