Bill Eigel is leading the charge against this Republican policy, followed by Denny Hoskins, Mike Moon, Rick Brattin, Ben Brown, and Jill Carter.
Posts published in “Letters, Emails, and Op Eds”
We don’t need the federal government meddling in our affairs to push a leftist progressive agenda that will leave our utility companies and consumers holding the bill.
Everyone in the state capitol has heard of our plight regarding a proposed landfill in Kansas City...
I'm running for Speaker of the House for the 103rd General Assembly. This news broke formally in June of 2022. Questions followed the announcement to ascertain the 'how' of my endeavor. How do I intend to secure this responsibility when I'm not doing so from the Floor Leader's office?
These tax credit programs work; they have been operating successfully for over two decades.
At the end of the day, Americans deserve to have a healthcare system that works for them, not against them.
"The Missouri legislative session adjourned with a historic move in support of public transportation."
"I was still willing to fight for the party that I once believed in until it was infiltrated by anti-police activists bent on defunding law enforcement."
"The state needs to get back on track. Increased transit investment is a must for 2021."
"Support for infrastructure legislation that makes transit investment a priority is imperative."