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Release: Missouri AFL-CIO Kicks Off “Labor 2016” Mobilization With Door-to-Door Canvasses and Phone Banks Across the State

 AFL-CIO Holds National Day of Action for Its Largest-ever Electoral Campaign Program



Working people in Missouri and across the nation will officially launch organized labor’s largest electoral mobilization in history on Saturday, September 10th at 10:00 a.m.


Union members, retirees, and their friends and families will participate in one of a dozen canvases and phone banks occurring across Missouri this week. Electing Chris Koster as governor and Jason Kander as U.S. senator along with state senate and state house candidates that will fight for a better life for all Missourians is the priority for the next 61 days.


Hundreds of union staff and volunteer members and community partners will spend hundreds of thousands of hours on the phones, at the doors and on work sites in face-to-face conversation discussing voting for a better life in Missouri. These efforts will be supported by weekly mailings and online activities.


The focus over the next 61 days will be to elect candidates like Chris Koster and Jason Kander that will put working families first, keeping the candidates that have been bought and paid for by out of touch billionaires on the sidelines. Voting “#NoOn6″, the Constitutional Ballot Amendment, which would revoke voting rights from 220,000 eligible MO voters is also a priority.


The kickoff event will start with a brief training and end with knocking on voters’ doors to discuss the urgency for working Missourians to vote for a better life on Nov. 8.


Who: Working Missourians


What: Missouri Labor 2016 Kickoff Canvass


When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.