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Hanaway fundraising total surpasses $2 million

ST. LOUISĀ – Former House Speaker and U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway announced today that her campaign has raised over $2 million dollars.

Hanaway’s campaign committee has received donations totaling $2,025,511.45 from over 525 Missouri donors. Approximately 95% of Hanaway’s total money raised came from Missouri donors.

“I am blessed to have support from so many Missourians,” said Hanaway. “I announced my campaign with the promise to build the largest grassroots organization in Missouri history. Our campaign has stayed committed to that goal. Today’s announcement shows that people across Missouri are contributing their time, talent and treasure to build a grassroots movement that will bring conservative leadership back to the Governor’s mansion.”

Hanaway is still the only Republican candidate to announce a full statewide volunteer network reaching every Missouri County and an extensive Agriculture coalition.