During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you hourly updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the House from Thursday, May 12.
3:00 Hour
Rep. Sharp moved that the Senate substitute for HB 2627 ( which designates four new awareness months) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 129-4
Rep. Hovis moved that SB 987 ( which modifies provisions relating to excursion gambling boat facilities) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 134-4
Rep. Shields moved that HB 2365 (which modifies the Early Learning Quality Assurance Report Program) with Senate amendment one undergo third reading and final passage. The bill passed 136-0
Rep. Fitzwater moved that SB 672 (which modifies provisions relating to workforce development) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill passed 109-29
Personal points of privilege were taken.
2:00 Hour
Rep. Christofanelli moved that that substitute for HB 1667 ( which creates the “Kratom Consumer Protection Act”) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 136-1
Rep. Smith moved that for SB 725 (which modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 139-2
Rep. Hulbert moved that for SB 799 (which modifies the offense of escaping from custody) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 140-2
Rep. Baker moved that the Senate substitute for HB 2331 (which modifies provisions relating to health care) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 103-13
Rep. Dogan moved that the Senate substitute for HB 1738 (which modifies provisions relating to state designations) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 128-9
1:00 Hour
Rep. Falkner moved that SB 724 (which modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 145-2
Rep. Kelly moved that SB 683 (which modifies provisions relating to child care ) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 144-1. The emergency clause was passed 147-1
Rep. Fishel moved that HB 1662 (which enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill passed 95-43
Rep. Deaton moved that SCR 34 ( which urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service ) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill passed 133-0
Rep. Deaton moved that Senate substitute for HB 2162 ( which modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment ) undergo third reading and final passage. The bill passed 138-0.
12:00 Hour
Rep. Knight moved that HB 2485 (which modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation) undergo third read and final passage. The bill was passed 100-45.
Rep. Black moved that HB 2116 (which modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients) undergo third read and final passage. The bill passed 129-0
Rep. Baker moved that SB 710 (which modifies provisions relating to health care) undergo third read and final passage. The bill passed 125-0. The emergency clause was adopted 138-4.
Rep. Sander moved that SB 820 (which modifies provisions relating to utilities) undergo third read and final passage. The bill passed 112-35
Multiple points of personal privilege were taken in between legislative discussions and votes.
11:00 Hour
Rep. Brown moved that SB 678 (which modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department) undergo third read and final passage. The bill was passed 102-38. The emergency clause was not adopted.
Rep. Brown also moved that SJR 38 (which modifies constitutional provisions relating to funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners) undergo third read and final passage. The bill was passed 103-44
Rep. Pike moved that SB 655 (which modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees’ Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes) undergo third read and final passage. The bill passed 139-1
Multiple points of personal privilege were taken in between legislative discussions and votes.
10:00 Hour
Special guests were introduced first. Points of personal privilege followed. Many different representatives called to speak in order to thank and honor people who had helped them throughout the session.
Some of the points of personal privilege included an emotional speech about law enforcement and firefighter personnel, from Rep. Roden, who listed multiple police officers and firefighters who had passed away. A moment of silence was taken.
The House gavels in
The legislative day got underway again at a little after 10:00am today.