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Greitens Opponents Refuse to Debate

ST. LOUIS – Yesterday, the Missouri Republican Party announced it could not reach unanimous agreement with the campaigns for Governor to host a uniform series of debates across the state. Eric Greitens was in favor of this agreement put forth by Chairman Hancock for structured debates managed by MRP because it would have guaranteed debates in each region of Missouri. This was a deal that would have guaranteed a set number of debates, equal and fair rules, and allowed the candidates the opportunity to share their message with conservative activists across the state. These debates would have been in addition to the televised debates hosted by various media outlets.

Austin Chambers, Greitens’ Campaign Manager, issued the following statement, “It’s a shame that the other Republican campaigns won’t agree to the party’s plan for debates. After Eric’s strong performance on Tuesday, it’s understandable, but disappointing, that his opponents prefer fewer debates. We appreciate the Chairman’s willingness and effort to promote our party and put our nominee in the strongest position to defeat Chris Koster. We will continue traveling across Missouri to share Eric’s conservative real-world experience of solving tough problems.”

The next forum Greitens is scheduled to attend is the Farm Bureau Forum on December 6th, where he will address his plans to help our farmers and ranchers, and rural Missouri families.

Contact: Austin Chambers