During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you hourly updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the House from Friday, May 17.
10:00 Hour
Introduction of special guests.
Points of personal privilege.
Rep. Peters moved for the adoption of SS SB 751 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
11:00 Hour
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed 105 yes, 43 no, and 14 non-voters.
The Senate Substitute for SB 751 passed with 133 yes and 18 no.
Rep. Roberts moved for the adoption of SCS SBS 754, 746, 788, 765, 841, 887 & 861 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
Rep. Smith offered an amendment to the bill.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the amendment.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 104 yes, 44 no, 14 non-voters.
The amendment failed 28 yes, 107 no, and 12 present.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 107 yes and 41 no.
SCS SBS 754, 746, 788, 765, 841, 887 & 861 passed with 130 yes, 5 no and 14 present.
Introduction of special guests.
Rep. Stinnett moved for the adoption of SS SB 1111 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
SS SB 1111 passed with 147 yes and 0 no.
The House will stand in recess until 12:15 pm.
12:00 Hour
The House gavelled in at 12:30 pm
Reports from committee.
Points of personal privilege.
Rep. Riley moved for the adoption of SS SCS SBs 894 & 825 for third reading and final passage.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 98 yes and 40 no.
SS SCS SBs 894 & 825 passed with 107 yes, 7 no and 17 present
Reports from committee.
1:00 Hour
Rep. Baker moved for the adoption of SS#2 SB 872 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 102 yes and 38 no.
SS#2 SB 872 passed with 136 yes, 0 no, and 4 present
Rep. Brown moved for the adoption of SB 1388 for third reading and final passage.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed 103 yes and 37 no.
SB 1388 passed with 141 yes and 2 no.
Rep. Hovis moved for the adoption of SS SCS SJR 71 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 94 yes, 41 no, 0 present and 27 non-votes.
SS SCS SJR 71 passed with 91 yes, 45 no, 6 present and 20 non-voters
Points of personal privilege.
Rep. Baker moved for the adoption of SS SJR 78 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
2:00 Hour
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 99 yes, 43 no and 29 non-votes
SS SJR 78 passed with 97 yes, 43 no, and 2 present
Rep. Gregory moved for the adoption of SS SB 802 for third reading and final passage.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
A motion for a PQ was brought forward. The motion passed with 94 yes, 44 no, 0 present and 24.
SS SB 802 passed with 84 yes, 51 no, 3 present and 24 non-votes.
Rep. Brown moved for the adoption of SS SB 895 for third reading and final passage.
SS SB 895 passed with 104 yes, 16 no, and 22 present.
Points of personal privilege.
Rep. Keathley moved for the adoption of SS SCS SB 756 for third reading and final passage.
Rep. Keathley also moved for the adoption of the House substitute. The motion failed. The original Senate Substitute was taken up.
Multiple Representatives spoke on the bill.
SS SCS SB 756 passed with 139 yes and 0 no.
The House adjourned until Thursday, May 30.