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Release: Lt. Governor Kinder’s Statement on Anonymous Video Attacking Primary Opponent’s Military Service

JEFFERSON CITY — Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder today issued the following statement decrying the recent release of a web video attacking the military service of his primary opponent.

“From day one of my campaign, I’ve spoken against the politics of personal destruction and called for an end to campaigns that seek to destroy the lives of their opponents. We as a Republican Party in Missouri cannot move forward if we’re tearing apart those of us who seek to serve our state. We must focus on the issues we care about and the ones that will make Missouri better.

In the last 48 hours, a nameless person or group has released a video criticizing the military service record of my primary opponent, Eric Greitens. I have not spoken to Mr. Greitens about his record and I don’t know the details of the allegations or his response. But I do know that he raised his right hand and went overseas to serve his country. For that, I salute him.

Mr. Greitens and I may currently be political opponents, but today I stand with him and decry nameless and untraceable attacks funded by shadowy money. If this does not explicitly violate Missouri campaign finance law, it should. And as Governor, I will close any loophole that these groups may be using to operate. We never know what our fellow candidates are dealing with, and we’ve tragically learned this past year that these attacks can lead to the worst possible outcome.

As Lt. Governor of Missouri, I have spent countless hours in the service of our state’s veterans, and have been privileged to learn so many of their stories. Service to our nation is a noble calling, and one that we all owe a debt of gratitude. Let’s honor our vets, let’s come together on the Republican issues that bind us, and let’s focus on the real fight that’s coming in November.”