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State leaders express support for priorities to support children and families

Jefferson City, MO — Tuesday morning, more than 500 parents and child advocates from across Missouri rallied in support of investments in child care and early education, supporting postpartum coverage, and strengthening Missouri’s child welfare system at Child Advocacy Day at the Missouri State Capitol.

These parents and child advocates were joined by state government and civic leaders who expressed support for proposed investments in child care and early education.

“Childcare accessibility is personal for me. I was raised by a single mother of six who often had to make a choice between going to work to pay for groceries, and staying home with a child,” Lieutenant Governor Kehoe said. “Investments in child care and early education strengthen families, communities, and economic growth throughout Missouri.”

To go along with the advocacy day, and recent bills passed, Governor Mike Parson proposed $56 million to expand pre-K, $78 million to support low-income, working families in accessing child care and also proposed tax credit programs to support employers who provide child care assistance to employees as well as child care providers in his State of the State Address back in January.

“We are grateful to have an historic coalition of support from business, civic and government leaders for child care and early education investments this year,” said Brian Schmidt, Executive Director of Kids Win Missouri. “Today, we are encouraged by the progress that has already been made and we remain fully committed to ensuring we invest in children this legislative session.”

During visits with legislators, attendees of the event also expressed support for extending postpartum Medicaid coverage for mothers and strengthening Missouri’s foster and adoptive care system to help support children and families.

To learn more about the movement to support child care and early childhood at