by Scott Faughn
Parma, MO – Barry Aycock, the agribusinessman who was reportedly considering seeking the democratic nomination for the 8th district, has opted not to place his name in the running.
“After very carefully considering running and discussing it with my wife and kids I have come to the conclusion that this is just not the right time for us to seek office,” Aycock said.
Aycock, 44, the owner of Agxplore International, was rumored for weeks to be Missouri democrat’s top recruit, with many legislative and statewide officials making recruiting calls to his Parma headquarters. Aycock indicated his interest was peaked by the recruitment process, and didn’t shut the door to a future run, “I was extremely humbled by the outpouring of support and encouragement I received from people across the 8th district and the state. While we have decided this is not the right time for our family to seek public office, rest assured that I will be on the ballot in some capacity in the future,” said Aycock.
Several area leaders were disappointed in Aycock’s decision.
“I believe Barry would have been the best candidate we have with a tremendous chance to win the seat,” former state rep Dr. Terry Swinger said. “He is the most politically astute person I know and would have been a great representative of our area.”
WIth Aycock out of the running, the leading candidate in the race is state representative Linda Black of Bonne Terre. Black was complimentary of Aycock, “Barry has been an agriculture leader for years. His support of the southeast Missouri agriculture economy has been tremendous and he will be a great asset.”
Black, who is seeking the nomination and is the likely nominee, commented about her candidacy, “I am honored to have the support of any wonderful people in southeast Missouri. I think that if ever there is a time that people want someone to get in the middle of the road and work through issues that is not too far left or right they will find that is the person that I am.”
The meeting to select the democratic nominee will be on Sunday in Poplar Bluff with the republicans selecting their nominee February 9th in Van Buren.