JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — In a rare move, the Missouri Health Facilities Review Committee (MHFRC) denied a certificate of need (CON) for a facility with 94 percent occupancy rate to increase the number of beds it offers.
The problem, according to the committee members, is the “litany” of decificies over the last 18 months at the Bowling Green Residential Care. The facility was seeking to add 20 additional beds on its second floor.
“There is no way I can approve beds on the second floor of this building when you have been in compliance for nine days, 10 days now,” David Cole said.
While the Bowling Green Residential Care is in compliance with state law, as of Aug. 29, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has cited the facility with numerous deficiencies.
The care facility has been cited for deficiencies on: July 11 for no licensed administrator (class two); July 8 for the fire alarm system being out of service (class one), failure to test and inspect fire alarm system and maintain sprinkler system (class two), failure to maintain range hood certification and failure to request and complete fire department consolidation (class three); March 18 for failure not to exceed the amount of petty cash per resident and failure to maintain surety bond (class two); Dec. 18, 2018 for no licensed administrator (class two); and June 2018 for failure to provide documentation of electrical wiring certification.
“I have serious concerns with a litany of fire-related hazards in this building,” Rep. Jack Bondon, the Republican committee chairman, said.
“This facility, over the past year, has had problems: One problem after another problem after another problem. And Mr. [Ruslan] Muradov has been working to solve these problems. He purchased this from the prior owner and inherited numerous of those problems. He solved them one by one by one,” Tom Piper, attorney for the Bowling Green Residential Care, said. “Each individual problem has been found and fixed.”
The committee unanimously denied the facility the CON to add 20 additional residential care beds — though the door was not completely shut for Bowling Green Residential Care to expand in the future.
Several committee members told Muradov they appreciated the work he has done in taking over the facility and working to turn it around. Bondon recognized that with a 94 percent occupancy rate for the previous six month, it seems the community likes the facility and supports it.
“I think there is a time, if you can get this business stabilized, and you can come back to us and show us that you are still jam-packed and that you have smoothed out things in this business, that you have it on the up swing. I think you can come back before this committee,” Bondon told Bowling Green Residential Care’s owner.
MHFRC approved all other new items on the agenda including: an additional multipurpose catheterization lab for Phelps Health in Rolla; an additional MRI at Mercy Hospital South in St. Louis; a replacement electrophysiology lab at Boone Hospital Center in Columbia; a replacement robotic surgery system at North Kansas City Hospital in North Kansas City; the establishment of a 66-bed assisted living facility in Liberty; and the establishment of a 105-bed assisted living facility in Branson.
The next full meeting is scheduled for Nov. 4.