JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – It seems that the race to be the next U.S. Senator is taking the first steps into developing into a full-fledged fight, as Republican candidate Attorney General Josh Hawley has launched the first round of blows against the Democratic incumbent U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.
Hawley’s campaign this week unveiled a new website seeking to highlight McCaskill’s record on taxes. According to the campaign, since arriving in Washington, the Democratic Senator has cast more than 200 votes “for higher taxes and fees on Missouri.”
As McCaskill prepares for her 50th town hall in the Show-Me State, the “Claire McTaxAll” website seeks to expose “50 of McCaskill’s worst votes in opposition to tax relief.”
“Claire McCaskill has consistently voted to leave Missouri’s working families behind,” Hawley said. “For months she has pretended to have an interest in getting tax relief for Missouri workers but instead voted lockstep with Chuck Schumer – not Missouri families. She has no problem voting for massive tax increases. But when it comes to tax cuts for working families, she is all talk.”
It’s not the first blow in the battle between the Hawley and McCaskill, as the Democrat’s campaign had run ads against the Attorney General before he officially announced his intent to run.
And with the current status of the U.S. Senate sitting at a 51-49 split, this particular race is primed to become the most important one of 2018.