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SD23 down to Zerr and Eigel

ST. CHARLES, Mo. – Missouri’s Senate District 23, located in St. Charles County, is shaping up to be a repeat of 2014’s SD2 race – all decided in the Republican primary between strong candidates.

Rep. Mark Parkinson left his bid yesterday after weeks of speculation with a scathing critique of House colleague Rep. Anne Zerr.

Zerr is now set in a primary with St. Charles small businessman William Eigel, but Wentzville city judge Michael Carter said he is considering joining the primary. There are currently no Democrats with committees active for the seat, which would replace former Senate Pro Tem Tom Dempsey.

Zerr responded (below) by speaking beyond Parkinson’s attack and forward to the Senate while touting her conservative endorsements. Eigel released a statement (below) readily accepting Parkinson’s bow and endorsement, while further attacking Zerr and alluding to presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

Parkinson and Eigel’s attacks now mark the race for SD23 as the most negative campaign thus far for 2016, after many candidates have taken pledges and spoken against negative campaigning.

Zerr has $201,736.85 on hand, having raised almost $50,000 last quarter with no debt, while Eigel has $135,988.99 on hand, having raised just over $15k last quarter and $100,000 in a self-loan.



Rep. Anne Zerr

Upon learning of Rep. Parkinson’s withdrawal from the State Senate race in District 23, I wish him the best in any future endeavor he chooses.


I will continue to work for the residents of St. Charles County, and my record of endorsements from Missouri Right to Life, the National Rifle Association, and the numerous pro-business awards I have received over the last seven years as state representative are indicative of my conservative credentials as a state senate candidate. I am not beholden to the party establishment and have shown countless times that I am a person who does the right thing even when it is not the most popular thing to do. I am proud of my ability to be an independent thinker.

My job is to continue working hard every day to keep St. Charles people working, to keep taxes low, reduce regulations, and work to create a business-friendly environment. I am proud of my record of bringing people together to work for what is best for St. Charles County, and I will continue to do so in the Missouri Senate.


William Eigel

Today I am honored to accept the endorsement of State Representative Mark Parkinson from the 105th District of the Missouri House of Representatives.


Mark has worked very hard for his constituents over the past eight years, and, as the most senior House member in Jefferson City, he understands the fight for conservative values better than most folks I have met during my short time in the public view. Mark’s voting record shows a tremendous amount of overlap of my own belief sets. A combination of Mark’s experience fighting for conservative values in Jefferson City and my life-experience as a businessman and military veteran will make us a great team as we head into 2016.


Mark and I both hope that today’s announcement will work to unify the Republican conservative base here in St. Charles County. Missouri is facing many challenges in the near future. We are falling behind other states in terms of economic opportunity and growth. Citizens and businesses are voting with their feet and choosing other states over Missouri to raise their kids and pursue their dreams.

Leading our state further towards the bottom of economic opportunity is Anne Zerr, my opponent also competing in this race. I use the word “opponent” genuinely because, although also officially a Republican, Anne Zerr has a disastrous voting record during her time in the General Assembly. She has voted to bring Obamacare to Missouri, raise taxes on all Missourians, and most notably to increase the size of Missouri government spending and waste to the largest it’s ever been in state history. When it comes to the proper role and function of government, Anne Zerr has more in common with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton than everyday Republicans in St. Charles County.

But I got into this race because I see a different, better path for all of Missouri. I have a perspective that our fortunes lie in the ideals of smaller government, increased personal liberty, and accountable government. Missouri can prosper by imitating the policies that made other states more efficient and attractive to the spirit of enterprise that made These United States the great nation we are today.

My team and I have already met thousands of district residents and the feedback we get is very clear; they are frustrated with government at all levels and are ready for a conservative warrior who will fight to make Missouri the most economically competitive state in the Union. We have an opportunity to provide that vision and change the trajectory of our state in 2016. I humbly ask for you to join Mark and I as we strive to make Missouri great again!