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Press Release: Taylor Burks campaign announces endorsements from national veterans PACs & 15 county officials and leaders

COLUMBIA, Mo – On Monday, candidate for Missouri’s 4th Congressional District, Taylor Burks, announced endorsements from 15 elected officials and community leaders from southwest and mid-Missouri. He has also received national endorsements from Frontline Patriots PAC and With Honor Action, two organizations dedicated to electing veterans to Congress.

New county endorsements for Taylor Burks for Congress are:

State Representatives Chuck Bayse, Cheri Reisch, and Jeff Knight; Former State Representative Warren Love; Rebecca Emery, Widow of Former State Senator Ed Emery; Mike Smalley, Barton County Prosecuting Attorney; D. Scott Harms, Benton County Commissioner of the Northern District; Steve Daleske, Benton County Presiding Commissioner; Dustin Stanton, Boone County Treasurer; Randy Angst, Laclede County Presiding Commissioner; Andrew Dawson, Mayor of Sedalia in Pettis County; Beverly Dillon, Pettis County Auditor; Kim Lyne, Pettis County Treasurer; and Gene Newkirk, Pulaski County Presiding Commissioner.

“The support we’ve seen across the state from voters and local leaders has been a huge blessing to this campaign. Building relationships with elected officials and public servants is incredibly important for making sure our state gets the real help it needs from Congress so we can grow our businesses and families,” Taylor said. “Missourians across the state are looking for leaders in Congress who will stand up to the Democrats’ socialist policies and fight for our values. With these partnerships, we will do just that.”

For anyone wishing to learn more about Taylor Burks campaign please visit his website at or to donate please visit the site linked here.