I love a good plan. Being organized, scheduled, and prepared falls right into my Type A comfort zone.

Though, after a decade of lobbying, I’ve learned that planning and all-things-Capitol are a toxic combination. The two just don’t mix and this week was no exception. Sen. Jolie Justus, D-10, and I had a fun Mexican dinner planned when…the Senate happened. Four weeks into session and we are staying later into the evening already. So, where do you go for dinner in Jefferson City when the Senate adjourns at 8:00? The question becomes even more frightful given that the town begins shutting its doors around 9:00. Fortunately, one of my guests saved the day – or dinner to be precise – and Senators Jolie Justus, Ryan McKenna, Eric Schmitt and I set out for Buffalo Wild Wings.
I already can hear the heckling I’ll receive from my lobby peers about taking three of Missouri’s senior Senators to such a fancy destination. Though be warned lobby friends, neither Senator Schmitt nor Senator McKenna needed a menu to order and without wavering ordered something with Asian zing, spicy garlic, and mango habanero. Being “B-Dubs” novices, Senator Justus and I needed a few minutes to peruse the menu and instead enjoyed our much-needed cocktails (hello Stella on tap). Salads, pretzels, mac-n-cheese, a chicken wrap and wings, of course, eventually became the eclectic combo of choice. Once ordered, we settled in for the camaraderie that a casual sports bar allows and encourages.
The Place
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and Bar needs no introduction or description. It is located at 707 Stoneridge Boulevard, which is in the same development with Kohl’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods. While some may appreciate its countless televisions or its UFC ticket (whatever that is as I’m no UFC girl), I am grateful for its hours that extend until midnight on most evenings. During my college-years, I preferred its 50-cent chicken leg night to its hours. How times have changed…
The People
Samantha, our server, was incredibly attentive and friendly. She didn’t miss a step when Senators Schmitt and McKenna quickly ordered their delights and she helped Senator Justus and I settle on our choices. Ultimately, being a people that appreciate enthusiasm, Samantha won us over with her “more beer” under-eye wear. Thanks for assisting us!
The Product
Wings and a sports atmosphere clearly is the product delivered. When a place is named Buffalo Wild Wings, one should order wings. Senators Schmitt and McKenna didn’t fail and I must admit I did experience feelings of wing-envy. Then again, I was easily diverted by the televisions showcasing every sport in season.
The Price
Prices are typical bar food prices and you can find something to eat in every price range. The full menu may be accessed at buffalowildwings.com/menu/.
The Pizzazz
Sometimes it isn’t about the food. Sometimes it isn’t about the place. Sometimes a great dinner simply is about your company. With the chaos that is session, I often forget how fortunate I am to work with some great people. This dinner was a great period to the end of my day. Good food, good atmosphere, great company… Thanks, Senators, for joining me this week!