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From Jared Suhn (Statement on Departure from The Singularis Group)

Friends –

I have always loved Benjamin Franklin’s adage, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

In the last few years, I’ve tried to become more deliberate about putting Franklin’s wisdom into action in my own life, embracing change in new ways and striving to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

I’ve learned that if we don’t change, we aren’t challenged and then ultimately, we don’t grow. I’ve recognized that change is ultimately the impetus for those challenges to occur. Without a doubt, at times that change can be difficult — scary even; but from it can also create new opportunities, new skills and new adventures.

And it is the reason I’m writing to you today — to share my decision that I am leaving The Singularis Group. As of today, the firm is 100% under the ownership and strategic direction of Kris Van Meteren.

Co-founding and owning this firm will forever be one of my greatest joys and most rewarding experiences, so this change is a particularly difficult one.

I never dreamed it would lead me to know each of you and so many other great people who joined in common cause for the conservative movement.

You have been an enormous blessing, and I thank you, especially the candidates who have entrusted us with their campaigns. It’s been the honor of my life to work with people who are willing to serve in the public square. Each of you truly embodies what it means to live life “while daring greatly.”

I’m also grateful for the dedication of the Singularis team. Their dedication and tenacity is unmatched and I will forever appreciate their efforts to help build and grow an incredibly strong company. They will continue providing creative services to candidates and causes across the nation, and their talent remains at the ready for you.

I still have a deep passion and commitment to leaving our nation in a better place than we found it. I can’t imagine that wherever my next journey leads me that our paths won’t cross and that my commitment to fight for our shared values will not wane.

Yet, this is the right moment for me to take the plunge into new possibilities and find fresh ways to continue making a difference. Please do keep in touch anytime by phone or email.

This note is insufficient to express the loyalty and appreciation I feel toward each of you for this amazing ride. You have all taught me more than you know — and given me experiences I could have never imagined.

All the best –
Jared Suhn