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Press Release: Gov. Nixon will serve as vice chairman of Governors’ Biofuels Coalition for 2015; will take chairmanship in 2016

Contact:           Channing Ansley, (573) 751-0290

Scott Holste, (573) 751-0290


Nov. 10, 2014

Gov. Nixon will serve as vice chairman of Governors’ Biofuels Coalition for 2015; will take chairmanship in 2016

JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Jay Nixon will serve as the 2015 vice chairman of the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition. The 33-state bipartisan organization was founded more than 20 years ago to increase the use of ethanol based fuels, decrease the nation’s dependence on imported energy resources, improve the environment and stimulate the national economy. Gov. Nixon would become chairman of the group in January 2016; Gov. Terry Branstad of Iowa will serve as chair in 2015.


“Thanks to our corn and soybean farmers, Missouri has long played a leadership role in the development and production of biofuels,” Gov. Nixon said. “Missouri was one of the founding members of the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition, and the Coalition has played a major role in our nation’s energy policies, including the drafting and passage of renewable fuel standards. I’m honored to be asked by Gov. Branstad to serve as the next vice chairman of this organization, and will continue working to strengthen the energy independence of Missouri and our country.”


Missouri ranks 10th nationally in ethanol capacity, with a total of six majority farmer-owned ethanol plants that produce approximately 300 million gallons of ethanol each year. In 2011, according to a report by the Commercial Agriculture Program at the University of Missouri, the state’s ethanol industry generated $1.1 billion in economic output and sustained 1,575 jobs.


“I look forward to working with Gov. Nixon to advance the bipartisan work of the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition, as the production and use of biofuels increases family incomes in rural America, diversifies our nation’s energy portfolio, and enables consumer choice at the fuel pump,” Gov. Branstad said.

In addition to the 33 member states, the Coalition has an additional six worldwide members, including the countries of Brazil, Mexico, Sweden and Thailand; the province of Quebec, Canada; and the state of Queensland, Australia.


Missouri Governors Mel Carnahan and Bob Holden previously served as chairmen of the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition in 1996 and 2002, respectively.


Follow the Governor on Twitter @GovJayNixon



Scott Holste

Press Secretary for Missouri Governor Jay Nixon
