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Press Release: Professional Fire Fighters and Paramedics of Eastern Missouri IAFF Local 2665 Endorses Justin Hicks for Congress

Lake St. Louis, MO – Justin Hicks, a proud Army veteran and candidate for Congress in Missouri’s Third Congressional District, announced that Professional Fire Fighters of Eastern Missouri IAFF Local 2665 has endorsed his campaign.

Vice President Cory Hogan stated:

“On behalf of the Professional Firefighters and Paramedics of Eastern Missouri IAFF Local 2665, with over 2,500 area Fire Fighters, Paramedics, and 911 Dispatchers serving nine counties over Eastern Missouri; we are very proud to enthusiastically make your endorsement for United States Congress from Missouri’s 3rd District.”

In response to the endorsement, Justin Hicks said:

“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Professional Fire Fighters of Eastern Missouri IAFF Local 2655 in my congressional campaign. Their support underscores my unwavering commitment to championing the safety and well-being of our communities. Together, we will work tirelessly to ensure our firefighters have the resources and support they need to protect and serve our neighborhoods.”