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Release: Leroy Blunt of Marshfield Passes Away at 94

Former State Representative, father of U.S. Senator Roy Blunt and grandfather of former Governor Matt Blunt
WASHINGTON – Leroy Blunt, father of U.S. Senator Roy Blunt and grandfather of former Governor Matt Blunt, died on Monday evening at the Marshfield Care Center in Marshfield, Missouri.

Blunt, age 94, was a dairy farmer and businessman and served four terms in the Missouri General Assembly.

Blunt died from the effects of a stroke he had one year ago, following 93 years of extraordinarily good health.

Blunt’s first wife Neva died in 1993. He is also survived by his son Ron and by his second wife Dora and their large, combined family.

Memorial services will be held at First Baptist Church in Marshfield at 11 am Saturday. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to Marshfield Senior Center Building Fund.