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Release: Missouri Democratic Party Response to GOP Debate

Jefferson City, MO – In the shadow of a controversy over a $1 million dollar contributor embroiled in a shocking sexual assault case, Missouri’s Republican gubernatorial candidates met in Columbia to debate. Those who watched were treated to a pu pu platter of retrograde policies.

They included support for lowering workers’ wages, cutting funding for education, and refusing to raise the minimum wage to grow the economy.

It is also clear who the leader of the Republican Party is now: Donald Trump. Catherine Hanaway, Peter Kinder, John Brunner and Eric Greitens have all confirmed they would support him in the general election and none disavowed their support tonight.

This is despite his calls to shred the Constitution, inability to immediately disavow support from the former leader of the KKK, and attacks on women.

The Missouri Democratic Party released the following statement from Chairman Roy Temple on what was said tonight in Columbia:

“Based on what we heard tonight, the Republican Party believes lowering workers’ wages, cutting funding for education and refusing to raise the minimum wage is the path towards prosperity.

“I have news for each of them: you’re wrong.

“Lucky for Democrats, tonight made our job in November a whole lot easier because we are the only party fighting to lift up all Missourians.”