Rep. David Gregory, chairman of the Special Committee on Government Accountability, is leading the charge to investigate how we can protect Missouri’s electric grid from cyber-attacks and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has raised new fears in the minds of Americans. With geopolitical tensions rising and Russia’s capacity to use cyber warfare and chemical and nuclear weapons, many Americans are now assessing America’s vulnerability to attacks on the power grid.
On April 11th, Rep. Gregory is bringing two of the nation’s leading experts in protecting the grid from attacks to testify before the Special Committee on Government Accountability. Dr. Peter Pry, the executive director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and Dr. William R. Forstchen, historian, author and academic, will provide expert testimony on cyber security and electric grid threats and solutions.
“National security experts for years have warned the United States is particularly vulnerable to attacks on our electrical grid,” Rep. Gregory, R-St. Louis, said. “With the Biden administration and federal government failing to do what we need, my committee will investigate what actions Missouri can take to protect our people and be a model for the country in securing our portion of electrical grid. Missouri should not wait for the federal government to take action, we need to take action now to protect our portion of the grid.”
Rep. Gregory’s hearing will cover the following and more:
- What are the specific cyber security and electrical grid threats Americans face?
- Why isn’t the federal government doing enough to protect America from cyber security and electrical grid attacks?
- What can states do to protect Americans from cyber security and electrical grid attacks?
- How big of a threat is an electromagnetic pulse attack?
- What can Missourians do to protect themselves from cyber security and electrical grid attacks?
- What can Missouri do to take the lead on protecting Missouri’s grid?
For more questions, call Rep. Gregory’s office at 573-751-2150.