During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you hourly updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the Senate from Thursday, May 12.
The Senate adjourns
The Senate adjourned at 8:34 p.m. and with that, the Senate was done.
8:00 Hour
Senator Onder inquired Senator Eigel about issues regarding the congressional map (HB 2909), and their dislikes about the process that this bill has taken. Senator Onder then spoke on the bill about his personal feelings against the bill. Senator Thompson Rehder then spoke about the bill, and her feelings about how some Senators have acted. Senator Hoskins then responded that Senator Thompson Rehder was just mad about her bill not passing.
HB 2909 was passed on a 22-11 vote, and the emergency clause within it was passed on a 29-4 vote.
Senators Arthur, Beck, Burlison, Cierpot, Eigel, Eslinger, Moon, Onder, Schupp, Wieland, and Williams all voted against the map.
7:00 Hour
Many other senators then took their turns giving out their thanks, remembering old times, and being thankful for their constituents and capital workers.
6:00 Hour
Senator Rowden then inquired Senator Bernskoetter about issues regarding the congressional map (HB 2909). After that inquiry, Senator Rowden inquired Senator Schupp, who became emotional recalling past colleagues and memories over her past 14 years being involved in Missouri’s congress. Senator Rowden then inquired Senator Riddle, who also became emotional when thanking her constituents and friends in the capitol. Senator Rowden’s next inquiry was Senator Hegeman, who answered the call of an inquiry with “yeah”. Senator Hegeman was also very thankful to everyone who has been involved in his political and private life during his past 19 years. Senator Schatz was the last of Senator Rowden’s inquiries, causing Rowden to tear up while thanking him. Senator Schatz continued the trend of thanking all of the amazing staff that works in the capital, and all of his constituents that walked with him throughout his 12 years.
5:00 Hour
The report for the bill was adopted on a 30-2 vote, and Senator slinger moved that HB 1606 undergo third reading and be finally passed. HB 1606 was passed on a 30-2 vote.
Senator Rowden then sent an order to relieve the select Committee on Redistricting.
Senator Onder then brought forward a point of order, in which Senator Schatz argued the point of order is not well taken. Senator Onder then requested a roll call vote on the point of order he brought forward but did not have five members standing, so requested a standing division. The standing division sustained the order to relieve the select Committee on Redistricting.
Senator Bernskoetter brought HB 2909 to undergo third reading and final passage and offered a senate substitute. Senator Onder inquired Senator Bernskoetter about his displeases with the map, and then-Senator Onder inquired Senator Moon. Senator Onder called the dissolving of the committee a “sneak attack” since the committee met this morning but then recessed due to the general session reconvening. The two both expressed their disappointment that they felt as if they were not heard when it came to redistricting.
4:00 Hour
Senator Eigel then inquired Senator Wieland, about how the process of a consent bill has been “weaponized”.
Senator Eigel then inquired Senator Washington, letting her know he supports her bill and apologized for calling her “hostile”. Senator Bernskoetter also inquired Senator Eigel stating “all consent bills, I am going to knock off the calendar for the next two years”.
SB 718 was then voted upon and passed on a 32-1 vote.
Senator White moved that HB 2331 undergo third read and final passage, and offered a senate substitute. Senator Hegeman offered an amendment (SA #1) to the bill, and it was adopted. Senator Onder then offered an amendment (SA #2), which Senator White spoke on and encouraged the body to support.
HB 2331 was passed on a 30-2 vote.
Senator Eslinger HB 1606 then moved that the conference committee report for the bill be adopted.
3:00 Hour
Senator Moon presented a substitute motion that requested that the “Save Women Sports Act” be added to the bill and have it sent to conference. Senator Moon then requested a roll call vote, which then led Senator Washington to speak against the motion and requested the body deny the motion. Senator Onder then spoke for the motion and asked the body to vote in approval for it. Senator May then spoke against the motion and asked the body to vote against it. Senator Washington then spoke on the motion, and explained why passing this motion could create problems for institutions and the students of those institutions, and once again asked that the body vote no on the motion. Senator Riddle then spoke against the motion, asking Senator Moon to remove the motion as a whole. Senator Moon then spoke for the motion, which led Senator Riddle to inquire Senator Washington about why this motion should not be a part of this bill and asked the Senator again to remove his substitute motion. Senator Washington then claimed that Senator Moon’s motion seems to be “more political than purposeful”. Senator Moon then inquired Senator Riddle, asking why Riddle believes that this motion does not belong on this bill. Senator Riddle claimed that a controversial amendment like this will kill a bill, and was then accused by Senator Moon that Riddle alluded he was bringing this motion for political reasons.
Senator Eigel then inquired Senator Moon about the motion, agreeing with the motion. Senator Crawford spoke on the bill, saying that this motion was a “dirty pull” and that even though she may agree with the bill, this was not the time for it to be added to a bill.
The motion failed on an 11-16 vote.
2:00 Hour
Senator Schatz then claimed that Senator Moon had the most hours filibustered, with Senator Onder being second. Senator Cierpiot then inquired Senator Schatz to point out that in February Senator Moon made a motion to adjourn sine die.
Senator Onder then spoke on the bill but used the time to also express his disappointment with the senate.
SB 710 was then passed on a 30-3 vote, and the adoption of an emergency clause for a certain section was then passed on a 30-1 vote.
Senator Hegeman then moved that the conference committee for SB 724 be dissolved, and requested the House pass the original bill.
Senator Washington was granted a privileged motion and moved for SB 718 to undergo third read and final passage.
1:00 Hour
Senator Hoskins started the day by returning to the discussion about SB 690.
Senator Beck was then granted a privileged motion for SB 710 and motioned that the conference committee report for the bill is adopted. Senator Riddle then briefly inquired Senator Beck about the bill’s language, which lead to Senator Onder inquiring Senator Beck as well. The conference committee report for the bill was adopted on a 30-1 vote and was then moved by Senator Beck to undergo third read and final passage.
Senator Moon then spoke on the bill, and the Senate as a whole in general, expressing his disappointment in the senate and the senate leadership for “wasting” time and not getting enough stuff done. Senator Riddle then inquired Senator Moon about the 75-80 hours where Senator Moon or others filibustered. Senator Moon then spoke on the bill, which Senator Riddle tried to object to, but was ultimately too late to do so. Senator Schatz then inquired Senator Moon about how he calculated 1400+ hours that the senate was in session and able to pass bills.
Senate gavels in
The legislative day got underway again at 1:00 P.M. today.
Redistricting Committee gavels in
The redistricting committee gaveled in to discuss issues regarding a new congressional map shortly after 12:00 P.M.
The committee then recessed due to the general