During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the Senate from Wednesday, May 4th.
4:00 Hour:
Senator White spoke on the bill and called on Senator Cierpiot to discuss the bill.
Senator Bean called on Senator Cierpiot to discuss the bill.
Amendment one was not passed.
3:00 Hour:
Senator Bean motioned for HB 2005 and its Senate substitute be taken up for third reading and final passage.
Senator Schupp called on Senators Bean and Washington to discuss the bill
Senator Beck offered amendment number one to HB 2005.
Senator Rowden called on Senator Beck to inquire about amendment one.
Senator Schupp called on Senators Cierpiot and Beck to discuss the bill and amendment one.
Senator Burlison spoke on the bill.
Senator Razer called on Senator Bean to inquire about the bill.
2:00 Hour:
The senate recessed.
1:00 Hour:
Senator May discussed HB 2400.
Senator Onder sent amendment fifteen back.
Senator Hoskins motioned for HB 2400 and its Senate substitute be taken up for third reading and final passage.
Senator Schatz motioned for HB 2400 to be sent to committee.
Senator Rowden called for recess until 1:30 a.m.
12:00 Hour
Senator Luetkemeyer called on Senators Brattin and White to discuss amendment number thirteen.
Senator May requested a quorum call.
Senator White continues to speak about amendment number thirteen
Senator Hoskins sent amendment thirteen back.
Senator Onder offered amendment number fourteen for HB 2400.
Senators White and Rizzo called on Senator Onder to discuss amendment number fourteen
Senator May called to raise a point of order for amendment number fourteen
Senator Onder sent amendment fourteen back and offered amendment fifteen for HB 2400.
11:00 Hour
Senator Luetkemeyer sent amendment number twelve back
Senator Hoskins offered amendment number thirteen for HB 2400.
Senator Luetkemeyer called on Senator Hoskins to discuss amendment number thirteen
10:00 Hour
Senator Hegeman withdrew his point of order.
Senator Moon sent amendment number ten back.
Senator Roberts offered amendment number eleven to HB 2400. Amendment number eleven was passed.
Senator Luetkemeyer offered amendment number twelve HB 2400. Senator Beck offered amendment number one to amendment number twelve for the same bill.
Senators O’Laughlin, Luetkemeyer and Onder called on Senator Beck to inquire about amendment number one to amendment number twelve.
Amendment number one to amendment number twelve was not passed.
Senator May called on Senators Luetkemeyer and Roberts to discuss amendment number twelve.
9:00 Hour
Amendment number seven was passed
Senator Crawford offered amendment number eight to HB 2400. The amendment passed.
Senator Bean offered amendment number nine to HB 2400. Amendment number nine passed.
Senator Moon offered amendment number ten to HB 2400. Senator Schupp calls on Senator Moon to inquire about amendment number ten.
Senator Beck called a point of order on amendment number ten. The point of order was not taken.
Senator Schupp called on Senator Beck to discuss amendment number ten.
Senator Beck called on Senator Roberts to discuss amendment number ten.
Senator Beck offered an amendment to amendment number ten to HB 2400. Senator Brattin called on Senator Beck to discuss amendment number one to amendment number ten to the same bill.
Senator Hegeman called for a point of order on amendment one to amendment number ten on the same bill.
8:00 Hour
Senator Hoskins motioned for HB 2400 and its Senate substitute be taken up for third reading and final passage.
Senator Riddle called on Senator Hoskins to inquire about the bill.
Senator Burlison offered an amendment to HB 2400.
Senator Schupp called on Senator Burlison to inquire about amendment number one to HB 2400. Amendment number one to HB 2400 was passed
Senator Koenig offered amendment number two to the same bill. Amendment number two was passed.
Senator Williams offered Amendment number three to HB 2400. Amendment number three was passed.
Senator Razer offered amendment number four to HB 2400. Senator Burlison called on Senator Razer to inquire about his amendment. Amendment number four was passed.
Senator Eslinger offered amendment number five to HB 2400. Amendment number five was passed.
Senator Roberts offered amendment number six to HB 2400. Amendment number six was passed.
Senators Schupp and May called upon Senator Hoskins to inquire about the underlying bill.
Senator May offered amendment number seven to HB 2400.
7:00 Hour
Senator Razer offered a second amendment to amendment number four to HB 1472.
Senator White called a point of order on the second amendment. Senators Rizzo and Onder both speak on Senator Whites point of order.
Senator White withdrew his point of order and motioned for HB 1472 to be moved to the informal calendar.
Senator Leutkemeyer motioned for SB 886 and its substitute be taken up for third reading and final passage. The bill passed 32-0
Senator Crawford motioned for HB 2168 and its Senate substitute be taken up for third reading and final passage.
Senator Moon called on Senator Crawford to inquire about the bill.
Senator Koenig offered an amendment to the Senate substitute of HB 2168.
Senator Rizzo called for a point of order on amendment number one to the Senate substitute.
Senator Koenig sent his amendment back. Senator Koenig offers a new amendment to the Senate substitute. Amendment number two for the Senate substitute of HB 2168 was passed
The Senate substitute for HB 2168 was passed 31-1
6:00 Hour
Senator Moon withdrew his amendment from HB 1472 and offers a new amendment, amendment number two, to the same bill.
Senator Onder called on Senator Moon to inquire about his new amendment to HB 1472.
Senator Razer called on Senators Moon and Washington to discuss the new amendment to the same bill. Amendment number two was passed.
Senator Hegeman offered a third amendment to HB 1472. Amendment number three was passed.
Senator Brattin offered a fourth amendment to HB 1472 and then offered an amendment number four.
Senator Razer called on Senator Brattin to inquire about amendment number four. Amendment number one to amendment number four is passed.
Senator Razer called on Senator Roberts to discuss amendment number four to HB 1472.
5:00 Hour
Senator Bean motioned for SB 987, a bill regarding gambling facilities, be moved for third reading and final passage.
The bill was passed.
Senator Luetkemeyer motioned for SB 886, a bill that modifies provisions relating to trusts, be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 32-0.
Senator White motioned for HB 1472 be moved for third reading and final passage and for the Senate substitute be adopted.
Senator Moon offered an amendment to HB 1472.
Senator Schupp called upon Senator Moon to inquire about his amendment to the same bill.
Senators Razer and Washington call a point of order on Senator Moons amendment.
Senate gavels in
The legislative day got underway shortly before 5:00 p.m.