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Auditor Galloway releases third monthly report on local government, court filing requirements

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (March 24, 2016) Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway today issued the third in a series of monthly reports detailing local government compliance with state laws related to municipal court reporting. The report includes the filing statuses for cities, towns and villages that filed information in February 2016.
Today’s report focuses on the ten local governments with information due Feb. 29, 2016. This report also includes updated filing status for local governments that had information due Dec. 31, 2015.
Cities, towns and villages in Missouri are required to file annual financial reports with the State Auditor’s Officewithin six months of the end of their fiscal year. Due to changes in the law, local governments must also file addendums providing information such as annual general operating revenue and revenues from fines and court costs for minor traffic violations. Local governments that operate municipal courts with a municipal judge must also provide certification of compliance with a series of municipal court procedures.
Reports received are searchable online. Today’s full report is available online here.