Republican members of the Missouri House of Representatives released a letter today confirming their support of Representative Alex Riley for Majority Floor Leader.
The letter reads:
Our leadership in the House next year will be very important for promoting the continuation of good Republican values. We want to make sure we have the right people in place to begin working on important caucus items.
We, the following members of the Missouri House, support Alex Riley as our next Majority Floor Leader!
The following House members signed the letter:
Rep. Dave Hinman
Rep. Sherri Gallick
Rep. Melanie Stinnett
Rep. Travis Wilson
Rep. Renee Reuter
Rep. Kyle Marquart
Rep. Danny Busick
Rep. Mike McGirl
Rep. Tricia Byrnes
Rep. Ann Kelly
Rep. Holly Jones
Rep. Tara Peters
Rep. Donnie Brown
Rep. Dane Diehl
Rep. Ken Waller
Rep. Brad Banderman
Rep. Brad Christ
Rep. David Casteel
Rep. Lisa Thomas
Rep. Ben Keathley
Rep. Mitch Boggs
Rep. Wendy Hausman
Rep. Bill Allen
Rep. Phil Amato
Rep. Ed Lewis
Rep. Peggy McGaugh
Rep. Micheal O’Donnell
Rep. Jeff Coleman
Rep. Bishop Davidson
Rep. Terry Thompson
Rep. Rodger Reedy
Rep. Justin Sparks
Rep. John Black
Rep. Chris Sander
Rep. Dave Griffith
Rep. Doyle Justus
Rep. Jamie Gragg
Rep. Jeff Myers
Rep. Philip Oehlerking
Rep. Richard West
Rep. Bob Titus
Rep. Gary Bonacker
Rep. Tony Lovasco
Rep. Willard Haley
Rep. Chris Brown
Rep. Jim Murphy
Rep. Jim Kalberloh
Rep. Chad Perkins
Rep. Cameron Parker
Rep. Josh Hurlbert
Rep. Michael Davis
Rep. Jeff Farnan
Rep. Bill Hardwick
Rep. Dean Van Schoiack
Rep. Sean Pouche
Rep. Louis Riggs
Rep. Bruce Sassmann
Rep. Bill Owen
Rep. Brian Seitz
Rep. Ben Baker
Rep. Brad Pollitt
Rep. Dirk Deaton
Rep. Brenda Shields
Rep. Kent Haden
Rep. Greg Sharpe
Rep. Bennie Cook
Rep. Scott Cupps
Rep. Jeff Knight
Rep. Jonathan Patterson
Read the full letter here