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Derrick Nowlin files to run for state representative in HD 134

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Derrick Nowlin, a third-generation Springfieldian, is looking to serve the people of the 134th house district.

Nowlin ran in 2018 against Elijah Haahr, current Speaker of the House, getting 43% of the vote. Nowlin is running to win the 2020 election, focusing on Medicaid expansion, fully funding school districts, and getting corporate money out of politics.

If elected, Nowlin will work every day to ensure the needs of the people of the 134th are heard and will hold public events to make himself available to their questions. Nowlin understands that state funding for schools is 46th in the nation, requiring local municipalities to subsidize the state, leaving many of the localities necessities unmet and a need for higher local taxes. Thousands of our neighbors are struggling to pay for medical expenses or avoiding health treatments all together; Expanding medicaid would help alleviate the stress put on families in need. Medicaid expansion has also proven to be a huge job creator in states that have passed the measure. Our voices are being drowned out by corporate money flooding into the pockets of our legislators, we need representatives like Nowlin who refuse to take corporate PAC money.

“Every door I knock on is a job interview. I want to truly represent our district and every story I hear from our neighbors, makes me work a little harder to get to Jefferson City. We need a fighter in the capital, standing up  for better schools for our children, access to healthcare for those without, and a less corrupt government.”

Nowlin works in the engineering and construction field for over 25 years. He graduated from Glendale High School and began working as a land surveyor, while learning the skills at Missouri State University that he uses today in his work as a zoning and site planning specialist.

“I work a 9-5 like everyone else. I am not a lawyer and I never planned to run for office. I am running for office because we all know too many neighbors, co-workers, friends or families that spend all day working only to struggle to food on the table. Enough is enough and we have to work together to change things for the better.”