JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Presumptive gubernatorial candidate Eric Greitens published an editorial on Fox News’s website Monday promoting his run for governor. The piece highlighted why he decided to change political parties from Democrat to Republican and what he would do once elected.
Greitens, a former Navy SEAL with four tours of duty, said the revelation came to him when he returned from Iraq and found the state of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs deplorable.
“The VA was broken and my friends were suffering,” he wrote. “And yet, time and again, the only ‘solution’ I heard from liberals was to spend more money. It made me angry.”
Until that point, the St. Louis native had been a lifelong Democrat. After a while, he no longer believed in Democratic ideals.
“Even worse, I had concluded that liberals aren’t just wrong,” he wrote. “All too often they are world-class hypocrites. They talk a great game about helping the most vulnerable, with ideas that feel good and fashionable. The problem is their ideas don’t work, and often hurt the exact people they claim to help.”
Now, he’s a Republican.
Greitens goes on to explain his platform: replacing Obamacare, welfare reform, 2nd Amendment rights, defending religious liberties and citing his lack of experience as an elected official. Running as an outsider to the Jefferson City political machine has been a trademark of Greitens’ campaign for the past few months, which sets him apart from the announced candidates in both parties.
The editorial comes on the wings of recent reports that Greitens has raised over $1.1 million dollars for the upcoming gubernatorial race as well as the kick off of his “Listen and Lead” campaign tour across Missouri, which began Tuesday.
Greitens will be in Jefferson City Thursday as part of the tour. The Missouri Times will be live streaming his remarks through Periscope.