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The Missouri Times ’16 Governor’s Race Poll: Koster stronger versus Republicans

Saint Louis, Mo. — A poll for the 2016 Governor’s race commissioned by The Missouri Times shows the race to be a extremely close, if the Democrats nominate Attorney General Chris Koster.

The poll included two announced candidates: former Speaker of the House Catherine Hanaway and Attorney General Chris Koster. State Auditor Tom Schweich — who is all-but-certain to be run as well — and Senator Claire McCaskill — who has her own rumors flying — are both included.

The poll of registered Missouri voters was conducted on the evenings of January 7th and 8th by Gravius Public Polling and provided the following results:


Claire McCaskill               20%

Tom Schweich                   34%


Claire McCaskill               19%

Catherine Hanaway          30%


Chris Koster                       30%

Tom Schweich                   26%


Chris Koster                       29%

Catherine Hanaway         23%


The poll shows that McCaskill would begin the race as the decided underdog, and that Koster would be a marginal favorite, but even with Koster as the Democratic nominee the race is closer than some might have expected, and falls within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 6 percent against either Republican.

Patrick Lynn, Director of Governmental Advocacy at The Kelley Group, discussed the poll on This Week in Missouri politics.

“These results are not surprising to me,” Lynns said. “I’m confident in the fact that at this point in 2017 Chris Koster will be the Governor. However, I think what we are looking at is that Senator McCaskill is looking at her own political career and looking at a tough re-election campaign in 2018.”

Gregg Keller, principal at Atlas Strategy Group and consultant to Schweich noted that the poll showed, “Schweich as the nominally the stronger candidate,” in the Republican field.

While Sean Nicholson the Executive Director of Progress Missouri saw Koster’s lead as affirming.

“The poll confirmed Chris Koster’s status as the frontrunner in this race.”

The poll and the race will also be discussed in-depth today on This Week in Missouri Politics and can be seen in St. Louis on ABC 30 at 11:00 and at 11:30 a.m. at