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Press Release: Missouri Freedom Caucus Calls For Republican Leaders To Follow Through On IP Reform

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – For several years now, Senate and House Leadership have declared that Initiative Petition (IP) Reform has been their top priority. Leaders in both chambers have stated they are committed to stopping out of state, dark money, far left-wing groups from continuing to hijack our broken IP process to further leftist priorities by cloaking their initiatives in deceptive and misleading language.

Despite their commitments, leadership have failed time and time again to pass these bills despite overwhelming majority support in both chambers.

As we conclude the third week of the 2024 Session, leadership in both chambers have not even referred one single bill on this priority matter proving that their promises are hollow and without any urgency whatsoever.

Therefore, until leadership shows the urgency that they have promised time and again on this matter, the Missouri Freedom Caucus is determined to block any and all proposed Gubernatorial appointments in the Senate. To be clear: SJR 83 (or a similar bill) must pass the Senate and be in possession of the House.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Either leadership cares about leading Missouri pursuant to Republican priorities like voters expect them to, or they do not. It is time for them to act accordingly.