During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the Senate from Thursday, May 5th.
The Senate adjourns
The Senate adjourned shortly after 9:00 p.m.
9:00 Hour
HB 3020 was passed 26-5
8:00 Hour
Senator Moon called on Senator White to inquire about the bill.
HB 1472 was passed.
Senator Hegeman moved HB 3017, a bill regarding funds for capitol improvements and other purposes for state departments, and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
Senator Hoskins called on Senator Hegeman to discuss the bill.
HB 3017 was passed 28-4.
Senator Hegeman moved HB 3018, a bill regarding funds for state departments maintenance and improvements, and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
HB 3018 was passed 32-0.
Senator Hegeman moved HB 3019,a bill regarding funds for planning and improvement of state projects and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
HB 3019 was passed 29-3.
Senator Hegeman moved HB 3020,a bill funds from the American Recovery Plan Act and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
Senator Hegeman offered amendment number one to the bill. Amendment number one was passed.
Senator Hegeman offered amendment number two. Amendment number two was passed
Senator Brattin called on Senator Hegeman to inquire about the bill.
7:00 Hour
Senator Rizzo’s amendment one to amendment number one was passed.
Senator Onder spoke on amendment number one to the same bill.
Amendment number one was passed .
Senator Hoskins called on Senators Bernskoetter, Hegeman and Onder to discuss HB 2090.
Senator Onder called on Senator Moon to discuss HB 2090.
Senator Moon spoke on HB 2090 and offered amendment number two to the bill. Amendment number two was passed.
Senator Onder offered amendment number three to the same bill. Amendment number three was passed.
HB 2090 was sent to committee.
Senator White moved HB 1472 , a bill regarding money laundering, be moved for third reading and final passage.
6:00 Hour
Senator Beck offered amendment number five to the same bill. Senator Onder called on Senator Beck to inquire about amendment number five. The amendment was passed.
Senator Brattin offered amendment number six to the same bill. Senator Schupp called on Senator Brattin to inquire about the amendment.
Amendment six was not adopted.
Senator Schupp filibusters amendment six to HB 2151.
Senator Arthur moved for HB 2151 for to be moved to the informal calendar
Senator Cole moved for HB 2090, a bill regarding how state employees are paid, be moved for third reading and final passage.
Senator Hegeman offered amendment number one for the same bill. Senator Rizzo offered amendment number one to amendment number one for the same bill.
Senator Arthur called on Senator Rizzo to discuss amendment number one to amendment number one.
Senator Onder called on Senators Rizzoand Hegeman to inquire about amendment one to amendment number.
5:00 Hour:
The recess ended shortly after 5:00pm
Senator Eslinger moved for HB 2485, and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
HB 2485 passed 21-11
Senator White moved for HJR 116 , a resolution to create the Missouri Department of the National Guard, be moved for third reading and final passage.
Senators Burlison and Moon called on Senator White to inquire about HJR 116.
HJR 116 passed 32-0
Senator Arthur moved HB 2151 a bill that modifies provisions relating to child protection, and its Senate Substitute be moved for third reading and final passage.
Senator Arthur offered amendment number one to the same bill. Amendment one was passed.
Senator Razer offered amendment number two to the same bill. Amendment Number two was passed
Senator Schupp offered amendment number three to same bill. Senator Onder called on Senator Schupp to inquire about amendment number three. Amendment number three was passed.
Senator May offered amendment number four to the same bill. Senator Onder called on Senator May to inquire about amendment number four. The amendment was passed.
4:00 Hour:
Senator Roberts called on Senator Arthur to discuss HB 2485.
Senator Eslinger moved for HB 2485, a bill regarding provisions governing advanced recycling, to be moved to the informal calendar Senator Rowden requested a recess until 4:35pm .
Senate gavels in
The legislative day got underway just before 2:00pm.