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Team MOGOP welcomes EJ Fleischmann as St. Louis Regional Field Director

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo, — The Missouri Republican Party is pleased to welcome EJ Fleischmann to its team as the St. Louis Regional Field Director.

As a lifelong resident of Jefferson County with strong family ties to St. Louis County, EJ’s commitment to Missouri runs deep. Before joining Team MOGOP, EJ gained significant campaign experience as the volunteer coordinator for Senator Paul Wieland’s 2014 campaign. Later, EJ was elected to the Arnold City Council and also served as the campaign manager for Representative Dan Shaul.

“EJ is laser-focused on unseating Senator Claire McCaskill next year, and he knows exactly what it takes to mobilize grassroots support in the field,” said Alex Meyer, RNC State Director for Missouri. Team MOGOP is building out an incredible team, and we are especially excited to have EJ as our boots on the ground in St. Louis.”