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Stenger fires back at latest Dooley ad

Saint Louis, Mo. — Steve Stenger, the St. Louis County councilmember challenging county executive Charlie Dooley in the Aug. 5 primary released an ad today defending Stenger’s actions during his time as a public defender and accusing Dooley of “turning away”victims of domestic violence at the county shelter.

Stenger shot the new ad yesterday after the Dooley campaign released an explosive ad accusing Stenger of blaming victims of human sex trafficking for their circumstances during his time as a public defender. In 2000, Stenger was assigned by the court to defend Monroe Evans, who was accused of playing a major role in a prostitution ring in St. Louis.

Steve Stenger
Steve Stenger

Stenger accused the Dooley campaign of taking his statements from a transcript of court proceedings out of context. In today’s ad, Stenger says he was “just doing my job,” in defending Evans. Stenger then pivoted back to a favorite talking point: Dooley’s management of the county domestic violence shelter. According to Stenger, Dooley began “turning away,” women from the shelter before Stenger pushed a resolution through the county council forbidding anyone from being turned away.

“The real difference is Charlie Dooley started turning away victims of domestic violence at the county shelter,” Stenger says in the ad. “And I passed a law to keep it open to all.”

Earlier ads on the domestic shelters feature women crediting Stenger with “saving lives,” and lashing out at Dooley for putting women in harm’s way.

The Dooley campaign confirmed yesterday that Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Stenger — along with his ads on domestic violence — influenced their decision to release an ad linking him with sex traffickers. Both camps appear determined to convince voters that the other is not looking out for the best interests of women.

The Dooley campaign has also promised more ads in the 18 days until the primary.