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Audit rates 31st Judicial Court as ‘good’

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — State Auditor Nicole Galloway Wednesday released an audit of the 31st Judicial Court in Greene County. The court received an overall rating of “good”.

The audit recommended better budgeting practices for some circuit court funds. The court does not prepare budgets for three funds, two of which have accumulated excessive balances without formal plans for their use.

A fund supported by fees on civil case filings has a balance of more than $980,000, even though only about $80,000 was spent from the fund as of Dec. 31, 2018. The audit recommended reducing or suspending these fees if the court does not need them for operations. The court responded to the finding by stating the fund balance will be used to upgrade courtrooms, outfit a new courtroom for an additional circuit judge position and support the Family Treatment Court program.

A separate audit of Greene County government as requested by the County Commission is ongoing.

A complete copy of the report is online here.