“John Diehl has been a strong leader for our caucus and a good friend. I am excited about his announcement look forward to supporting him.”

— Rep. Todd Richardson
“John has been a tireless advocate for our members and our principles and I am excited to see him lead our veto proof majority in the next term.”
— Rep. Elijah Haahr
“Now is not the time for a discussion on internal politics. John is a good friend, and I think its clear he is next in line for speaker. I think this will be a good discussion when the turmoil of session is over.”
— Rep. Caleb Jones
“John has always been very honest and straight forward with me. He has displayed the ability to fill that role. Tim leaves big shoes to fill, but John has the ability to fill them.”
— Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick
“I do like John and he is extremely qualified for speaker, but I would gladly support John. He is experienced and would be very qualified as speaker.”
— Rep. Lindell Shumaker
“John is a personal friend and a hardworking effective legislator. More importantly I believe he understands the things we work on in our state. Certainly I would support John any chance I could.”
— Rep. Stanley Cox
“No suprises here I think he is going to prevail. I am supportive of John.”
— Rep. Jay Barnes, R-Jefferson City
“I think John is the ideal guy. I think he will do a great job he has the ear of the caucus and is very approachable. He is the ideal candidate.”
— Rep. Paul Wieland

“My first thoughts is that this an expected announcement, and I’ve had a good working relationship with John. John would be a good speaker.”
— Rep. Denny Hoskins
“I’m excited. I believe he will make a great speaker of the house. He is not biased or have an agenda. He looks out for caucus and the state. He will make a great speaker.”
— Rep. Charlie Davis
“I think it’s a good choice. He has done a good job as Majority Leader. He is well rounded for the position. I would have no problem at all endorsing John for speaker.”
— Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger
“I think John is doing a great job myself. I certainly plan to support John’s run. He has been a great asset to our caucus. He is very readily accessible to talk to. He a true leader.”
— Rep. Lyle Rowland
“I am completely 100% behind John. He gives the caucus a sense of confidence. He has a very good macro world view about how policy is made. That is something that gives the members real confidence.”
— Rep. Chris Molendorp
“Over the summer I spoke with him and he was very helpful. Whenever I go to him he is always very helpful to me. He is very accessible. It has been very helpful as a freshman to have him to rely on. If he were the speaker I would be confident.”
— Rep. Tom Hurst
“I think John has been a wonderful floor leader and very helpful in my campaign. He is a very smart guy and a very good guy to work with. I am very supportive of John and this is a natural order. When it comes to speaker he has all the tools.”
— Rep. Kevin Austin
“John would do a great job. He has been a friend to me beginning in my campaign. He has always been available to talk to and that is so important. He has helped me learn a lot of things. I welcome the news that he is running for speaker. I look forward supporting him.”
—Rep. Steven Lynch
“I don’t have any problem backing John. He has demonstrated his ability to lead. I think is a natural step.”
— Rep. Don Phillips

“I am happy for him, and he will do a great job. I intend to support him.”
— Rep. Randy Pike
“John has been a tireless advocate for our members and our principles and I am excited to see him lead our veto proof majority in the next term.”
— Rep. Caleb Rowden
“I really do respect John Diehl. He is a kind and compassionate person. He is very knowledgeable on the issues and a very honorable person. He was very helpful in my campaign, and was always seeking ways to help me. I am looking forward to supporting him.”
— Rep. Elaine Gannon
“I couldn’t be happier with his candidacy. He is a proven leader and has done an outstanding job of influencing our ability to get our legislation through the senate. His work and actions and ability as Majority Leader has been tremendous. His work speaks for himself. It will be easy for people to support John because of that. I’m thrilled that he is running.”
— Rep. Casey Guernsey
“I think he will make an excellent speaker. He has shown remarkable leadership. He has helped me multiple times. He will work very good with both sides of the aisle. I absolutely plan to support him I am very please to hear this announcement.”
— Rep. Dave Muntzel
“He has reached out to me and although our backgrounds and districts are worlds apart he has been very supportive and easy to talk to. I am in full support of John.”
— Rep. Kent Hampton
“Even though John is from St. Louis, John’s gifts of leadership and organization. So following a person with those gifts is a good thing to do. I certainly plan to support him.”
— Rep. TJ Berry
“I think John has shown good leadership with being open to seeing all sides of an issue. He doesn’t appear to have an agenda that is my way or the highway. He is highly respected by the caucus and the house at large. He is a natural choice to move forward.”
— Rep. Keith Frederick
“He has shown himself in moving bills through the House. I intend to support him for speaker.”
— Rep. Shawn Rhoads
“John is very approachable on any matter that I’ve ever had a concern on. One of his great qualities is that he won’t try to solve your problem for you, but he will help you solve it. He is also very personable. I will absolutely be supporting John.”
— Rep. Diane Franklin
“John Diehl has been a tremendous help to our caucus over the last few years. Watching his service as Finance Director of HRCC as well as Majority Leader has assured me that he will be a leader who is focused on building, maintaining, and growing a strong Republican majority in the Missouri House of Representatives.
— Rep. Shelley Keeney
“John came down to see me when no one knew if I would win. John was a big help especially with strategy. I support his candidacy in the race for speaker.”
—Rep. Joe Don McGaugh
“I think its great he has proven to be a great leader and a conservative. He will be a great person to lead our caucus forward.”
— Rep. Lyndall Fraker
“I think the Majority Floor Leader would make a great speaker.”
— Rep. Delus Johnson
“”I’m definitely supporting him. He has shown leadership, he’s shown commitment in maintaining our majority and growing our caucus. And I trust him.”
— Rep. Sue Allen
“Not surprised by this news, he is a very bright attorney and very dedicated to the House of Representatives and its members. I think John Diehl is highly qualified for the position.”
— Rep. Kathie Conway
“John has been fair with me in everything I’ve done with him as well been very helpful. I would support his candidacy I’m sure he will do a good job.”
— Rep. Jeff Justus
“I was excited that I heard John was running. I call him a people’s person. I think he will make a great speaker and I will throw everything I can behind him.”
— Rep. Paul Fitzwater
“I met John early on last summer. I’ve been impressed with how he runs the floor. John has been good to me. Sure I intend to support him, and I think its understood that the floor leader has the opportunity to step up I certainly think John can do the job.”
— Rep. Ken Wilson
“He is in line with a lot of the beliefs I have when it comes to tax policy. I am prone to support him.”
— Rep. Andrew Koenig
“I think its great. He has set himself up to lead the body. I intend to support him.
— Rep. Ron Hicks
“I wont say I’m surprised by the news, but pleased to hear it. John has been very helpful to me. I absolutely intend to support him for speaker.”
Rep. Bill Lant
“Having known John now for over 8 months, he is a great guy to work with. The leadership John brings to the table would serve our caucus very well. I would be very happy with having him as our speaker.”
— Rep. Robert Ross
“I support him, he has all the right tools and knows what he doing. I think he would a be good leader.”
— Rep. Robert Cornejo
“I really appreciate what John has done for our caucus. From everything I’ve seen he has done a good job on the floor and plan to support him .”
— Rep. Tim Remole
“John was very helpful to me during the campaign, and has continued to be helpful in Jefferson City. I appreciate his support of me, and I look forward to supporting him.”
— Rep. Glen Kolkmeyer
“I come to this body with a different perspective than many others do after being a teacher and coach and I can tell you that John Diehl will make a great speaker. I trust him.
— Rep. Mike Lair
“He does a very good job running the floor, and I would be in favor of John’s running.”
— Rep. Dennis Fowler
“I have known John for 30 years all the way back to when we were foot soldiers in the Reagan Revolution. I see no reason why John won’t become the next speaker.
— Rep. Nate Walker
“I would certainly support John Diehl. He has a great grasp of all the issues. On a personal level I believe in him, and he is certainly one of the good folks.”
— Rep. Steve Cookson
“John is one of the brightest minds in the legislature. I will be supporting John for speaker.”
— Rep. Eric Burlison
“I will absolutely support John. He will do a great job leading our party.
— Rep. Noel Torpey
“From the beginning I have enjoyed getting to know and working with John Diehl. I will wholeheartedly support him fro speaker.”
— Rep. Wanda Brown
“I have know John for years and he is a tremendous asset to the caucus. I know he would do a great job.”
— Rep. Dwight Scharnhorst
“His leadership skills are evident that that was on display during redistricting. He has proven leadership and speaker isn’t a job you do on the job training for.”
— Rep. Don Gosen
“John and I have very different districts, but he has always taken the time to listen and ask questions about the needs of rural Missouri. I look forward to supporting John.”
— Rep. Tony Dugger
“John is an outstanding legislator and has helped lay the ground work for the success our caucus is having. I support him 100%.”
— Rep. Rick Stream
“John Diehl is the real deal. As the Majority Floor Leader he runs the house floor with unparalleled efficiency. As the next speaker of the house I think he will bring strong leadership to the role.”
— Rep. Jeff Grisamore
“I do support John. He has helped the caucus tremendously and is one of the brightest people in the legislature.”
— Rep. Mike Cierpiot
“I could not be more excited to hear that my good friend John Diehl has announced his intentions to be the next Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives. John is honest, hard-working, and more than qualified to continue the proud tradition of Missouri’s Republican Speakers.”
— Rep. Jason Smith
“I believe John Diehl has proven himself to be a leader within our caucus. I have confidence in his leadership skills. I trust his legislative skills.”
— Rep. Tom Flanigan