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Lottery Transfers $25.2 Million to Education

The Missouri Lottery today transferred $25.2 million to the Lottery Proceeds Fund for public education.  The transfer of $25,266,761 is based on July sales, and it brings the total to education in FY16 to more than $48.8 million.

Since Missouri Lottery sales started in 1986, the Lottery has generated more than $5 billion for the state and public education. Programs funded in FY15 include the A+ Scholarship Program, the Foundation Program and Access Missouri. For complete information about Missouri Lottery proceeds, including maps of proceeds by program and by county, see the “Where the $ Goes” section at

In addition to providing funds for public education, the Lottery also benefits the state by collecting state taxes on prizes of more than $600. During the past fiscal year, the Lottery added $8.7 million in state tax collections from prize winnings to the General Revenue Fund.