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An Open Letter from Kerry Messer

To:  Missouri’s Capitol Community


We want to thank all of our friends who have been supporting us over the past seven months.

At times we agree on small and large matters.  At times we debate and argue over conflicting perspectives on both seemingly insignificant and overwhelmingly huge issues.  (And as a someone said the other day, at times we share and spread each other’s germs all over the State.)  Yet, after thirty years of working here at the Capitol, it has only been over the past seven months that we have come to realize just how much of an “extended family” we have become.

We wish to make it clear to our extended capitol family that we offer an open invitation to ask whatever questions are on your mind.  It is okay with us for those of you that are a part of this amazing community to say whatever is on your heart.  On one hand we would prefer to have an open conversation rather than leaving you feeling inhibited about expressing your thoughts.  Do not be concerned about offending in any way.  In the long run it would be better for us to talk openly rather than to pretend things are “normal”.

It is understandable and we know that many have questions.  It’s natural and acceptable to have these questions and feel a longing to understand as much of our trial as possible.  But, we are also aware how most folks are uncomfortable, and some even fearful, to bring up such a conversation.  It is a comfort to our hearts to know that members of our Capitol family are timid about talking to us about this crisis.  In fact, it tells how you care and that you do not want to hurt us any further than we already are.  And for these attitudes and concerns, we thank you!

We do not want to walk in and out of the offices of this magnificent building and leave you with unaddressed questions hanging in the air because of fears or inhibitions that you may offend or cause discomfort.  We don’t want to walk down these historic corridors and pass by anyone who has been concerned for us but unsure if you can speak about such concerns.  We don’t want our friends to second guess themselves that they may have said the wrong thing.  We don’t want to allow those of this extended family who have been in prayer for us to feel any hindrances to talk about the issues of your prayers!

We are blessed to realize what a connected family you have become.  We are blessed to hear friend after friend relate your prayers for us.  We are blessed in the midst of this trial to know that so many of you have such compassion for our struggles.  Thank you for caring, and for expressing your hearts in the ways each of you have been comfortable in so doing.  Your many kind words and gestures have made it possible to even be here while we walk this dark valley.

The only caveat is that you need to be aware that at times it may be difficult to answer your questions due to occasional floods of emotional strains.  And then there is the risk that you may witness a loss of composure.  If that occurs, please don’t take it personally.  Just forebear for a few moments and be assured that we are not upset with you, we are just human.


–Kerry Messer

–Abram Messer