Representative Doug Richey, a pastor, veteran, and law enforcement chaplain, has announced his run for Missouri State Senate. The 21st Senate District is currently represented by Senator Hoskins and includes a portion of Clay County, along with Ray, Lafayette, Saline, Howard, and Cooper Counties. Richey will appear on the Republican primary ballot in August of 2024.
“When running for Speaker of the House, constituents, colleagues, and conservative Missourians from around the state kept pressing the same message. ‘We need you in the senate. You can have more of a long-term affect for the cause of conservative principles in the senate, than you can as Speaker.’ I listened. They are correct. From free enterprise to parental rights, from education reform to tax reform, from conservative budget priorities to public safety, from combating woke ideology to defending constitutional liberties, I’ve watched conservative efforts die too often in the senate. I’ll fight on behalf of the 21st Senate District to preserve our liberty and principles.”
Richey is a 6th generation Missourian, served for 8 years in the MO Army National Guard as a Combat Engineer, and has also served as a law enforcement chaplain since 2003. He earned his bachelor’s degree in finance and economics at the University of Central Missouri and went on to earn three masters’ degrees and a doctorate. He has served on the boards of two institutions of higher learning and currently serves on the UCM Alumni Foundation board.
“For 25 years I’ve pastorally served people from all walks of life, from farmers and bankers, to welders and doctors, to HS grads and PhD’s, to the impoverished and wealthy. I’ve sat with them in hospital rooms, living rooms, funeral parlors, and board rooms. I’ve discussed business plans and milked cows with them. I’ve built fence and walked alongside them through tragedy. I know people and their hopes, struggles, failures, and fears. My ability and experience in serving people in every context and sector of life uniquely positions me for this senate district.”
Richey has established a tireless conservative reputation in the Missouri House, during his three terms. His recent CPAC evaluation produced a score of 95, with a lifetime score of 93. Richey’s leadership within the budget process and chairmanships of the Joint Committee on Education and the Special Committee on Government Accountability have helped to produce significant strides in protecting parental rights, combating woke ideology within state bureaucracy and public education, the overhaul of the state’s IT systems, and the expansion of broadband access statewide. He also championed the effort to bring Missouri’s 911 service into the 21st Century by significantly expanding NextGen 911.
“I was born into a Christian, blue-collar family that raised me in a small town. I know my roots. I know, and am deeply convicted by, our shared values and principles. To me, political involvement isn’t my identity, it’s a stewardship responsibility in the effort to preserve our constitutional liberties and to hold government accountable to its purpose. I stand ready to serve the folks of this district.”
Doug Richey has retained Victory Enterprises as his consultants.