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Rep. Brian Seitz files for re-election; touts record as ‘conservative champion’

Representative Brian Seitz of Taney County has officially filed to retain his seat in the Missouri House of Representatives. A Republican, Seitz will appear on the August 2nd primary ballot. Currently, he remains the only Republican candidate in the race.

“It has been an honor to serve the people of Taney County,” noted Seitz. “I am running for re-election to continue my mission of defending our core conservative values from being trampled by the socialist left. I have proven my dedication to keeping Missourians free, and I hope the voters will recognize that and choose to keep me in office for another term to fight for them.”

Brian Seitz currently serves on committees concerning crime prevention, health and mental health, small businesses, and tourism. Alongside his steadfast commitment to fully funding law enforcement and providing greater support for small businesses and employees during these difficult times, Seitz has worked on several bills to ensure conservative principles remain present in state laws.

“I worked on House Bill 1669 to cut down at the root these Marxist ideologies infiltrating our public schools. Simple name changes of these evil ideas will no longer hide them from being removed from the classroom once this legislation passes. I won’t rest until Critical Race Theory is eliminated from Missouri once and for all! Likewise, I’ve worked hard to ensure that vaccine passports remain illegal and that the Missouri government refuses to do business with those who force their employees to be vaccinated against their will.”

A U.S. Army veteran, Seitz is outspoken about the unpopular foreign policies of the Biden administration. He faults the White House for not taking greater action to prevent the Afghanistan fiasco and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“I am appalled at the policy—no—the lack of policy that has led to death, destruction, and chaos across the globe. President Biden is more worried about enforcing mandates against his fellow citizens than he is about keeping our servicemen and women safe abroad. This is just another example in the long list of failed leadership by the Democratic Party and is exactly why the Red Wave must sweep over our state and our nation in 2022.”

Seitz’s top priorities continue to be defending constitutional rights, protecting the unborn, and being a ‘conservative champion’ for his constituents.

Outside of the capitol, Brian manages Splash Carwash in Branson and enjoys spoiling his new grandson. He is the father of three adult children and resides in the Branson area with his wife, Valerie.

Brian Seitz has retained Axiom Strategies to serve as consultants on his campaign.