Jefferson City, Mo — The Missouri State Fair, taking place in less than 24 hours, is the biggest celebration of agriculture in the state. For agriculture groups, it is an enormous opportunity to make connections with consumers and stakeholders alike.
Despite boasting Missouri’s number one crop in both acreage and monetary value, Missouri Soybeans hasn’t had a major presence at the fair for several years. That will change this time around, MoSoy will have its own set-up in the “Mizzou building” at the state fair, continuing the close relationship between The University of Missouri and MoSoy.
“Soy touches our lives every day,” Baylee Asbury, director of outreach and education for Missouri Soybeans said. “We want to make sure consumers are realizing how much of an impact it has.”
Missouri Soybeans will be all over the fair, complete with revamped branding and a new approach to connecting with consumers. MoSoy will have activities designed to engage young fair-goers and farmers alike in their space at the Mizzou building. The soybean organization will also provide the bio-diesel fuel used to power tram cars that will transport fair-goers around the grounds.
The new branding and approach coincide with the recent launch of MoSoy’s new revamped website. For Missouri Soybeans, the fair will be a tremendous opportunity to increase traffic to its newest tool.
“Our farmers have really invested in our new website and approach,” Asbury said. “They’ve invested, so we need to make sure it’s being used.”
MoSoy’s stand at the fair will be equipped with I-pad stations and QR codes all designed to lead consumers back to the website. The website focuses on making Missouri Soybeans a resource rather than just a farmer organization.
With 1,000s of visitors on the horizon, the state fair will give Missouri Soybeans a massive opportunity to gain momentum with its new branding and increased online presence.
“The Missouri State Fair is a great place for consumers to ask questions face to face,” Matt Wright, president of the Missouri Soybean Association said. “It is also a tremendous opportunity for us to share more about how much we care not only about the products we produce, but also about the land on which we grow them.”
MoSoy overhauled its social media presence last year, well before unveiling the new website.
However, as an organization that primarily supports farmers, Missouri Soybeans is being careful not to abandon the “boots on the ground” approach that is necessary when working in agriculture.
“We will continue to push our online presence, but also our on-the-ground presence,” Asbury said. “Our eyes are set on innovation.”
Featured Image Courtesy of the Missouri State Fair
I’m a journalist hailing from the Detroit area. I love to tell investigative stories with a focus on everyday people.
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