JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – “We are very pleased about today’s news on passage of SB 509 and applaud the progress the General Assembly is making toward achieving substantive tax reform for Missouri taxpayers for the first time in nearly 100 years. It is high time Missouri families are allowed to keep and spend more of the money they earn because they are better able than government to make decisions about how their money is spent. We are also especially proud to see a united caucus stand together in support of this bill.
In a touch of irony, it has been less than six months since Gov. Jay Nixon called the General Assembly into special session to pass a financial package that would have benefited just one individual company, yet he has pledged to stand in the way of providing a tax cut that would benefit every Missourian. Perhaps even more disconcerting is the fact that Gov. Nixon cites tax credit reform and education as reasons he cannot support SB 509, yet the special session package he advocated for last winter would have reduced available money to education and increased the state’s financial liability; and just last month, he authorized MHDC to approve $137 million in low-income housing credits. Those are the actions of a leader wanting to protect the status quo, not one who is committed to moving Missouri forward.
Grow Missouri will continue to advocate for free market policies that will improve our struggling economy and put more Missourians to work. When more Missourians are working, there will be more resources available for programs such as education, job training, mental health and other state priorities.” – Aaron Willard, Treasurer, Grow Missouri