HANNIBAL, Mo. — Rep. Ed Schieffer, D-41, officially announced over the weekend that he will run for 10th State Senatorial District.
Standing alongside state Sen. Scott Sifton, D-1, Schieffer announced he will seek the seat currently held by Sen. Jolie Justus, D-10, a Kansas City Democrat that took over the seat after redistricting.
Currently, Schieffer’s district covers Lincoln, Callaway, Audrain, Montgomery, Warren and Monroe counties.
Schieffer used the opportunity to make a strong, pro-labor position, accusing House Speaker Tim Jones of trying to “dismantle” unions and “attack” working families.
“I’m 100-percent pro-union,” Schieffer said. “But this new Republican majority seems obsessed with attacking unions instead of finding ways to create growth and bring jobs to the state. I won’t have that problem in the Senate.”
Schieffer took office in the House during 2006 and currently is serving his fourth term in office.