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Opinion: Are we doomed to Bidenflation?

Today, as we watch President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi destroy our economy, bankrupt our nation, and send inflation skyrocketing, President Trump’s groundbreaking Tax Cuts And Jobs Act turns 4 years old. 

I was proud to represent Missouri’s working families, through the American Farm Bureau Federation, as an advisor to the president’s team on this massive accomplishment. Together, we were able to provide real relief to our farming families and small businesses by addressing the unnecessary and, for many, insurmountable “death tax” that has hindered multi-generational farming operations for decades. The last thing we should be worried about after the death of a loved one is the government showing up to the funeral with a tax bill.

From left to right: Billy Bruce, former President Donald Trump, Kalena Bruce

President Trump’s focus on tax cuts and job creation stands in stark contrast to the failed socialist agenda of the current administration and is a reminder that we do not have to doom ourselves and our children to the horrors of Bidenflation.

The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act sparked the greatest period of economic expansion and prosperity in our nation’s history. Instead of the malaise and stagnation of the Obama years, we had explosive growth that created lasting wealth for working American families.

Just think about everything that amazing piece of legislation accomplished. It lowered tax rates for millions of workers, farmers, and small businesses, leading to historic job creation. The bill doubled the child tax credit, increased the tax credit for non-child dependents, and nearly doubled the standard deduction. 

Altogether, President Trump’s proposals reduced the federal tax bill for a typical American family by over $2,000.

However, maybe the single best thing that the law did was undoing Obama’s healthcare mandate that punished Americans who refused to sign up for Obamacare.

As a family farmer, CPA, and small business owner, I saw firsthand how President Trump’s tax cuts changed lives, revived failing businesses, and reinvigorated struggling communities. Unfortunately, the Trump Tax Cut is set to sunset in 2023 so now, more than ever, it is important we send conservative champions to Congress to fight to continue the Trump tax policies that have helped save our farming families.

We don’t have to settle for the bleak future Biden and Pelosi are building. We can get back to the roaring economic success we enjoyed under President Trump as long as we recommit ourselves to the idea that American families know how to spend their money and manage their lives better than any politician or bureaucrat.

So today, on the fourth anniversary of President Trump’s Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, let’s come together and rededicate ourselves to the fight to take back Congress, reclaim our nation, and restore the promise of the American Dream.